Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Well, I don't know what happened. Last night on American Idol, they made a big point of saying that they were expanding the theme and that now instead of just Lennon-McCartney songs, it would be The Beatles. So why'd they do it? I guess they must have read my blog.

Not that it mattered much. Only one person sang a song not penned by Lennon or McCartney. Brooke White (who is affectionately known in my house as "this dingbat") sang "Here Comes the Sun" by George Harrison, which you may or may not know is my favorite song. For that, and for her generally endearing performance and ability to respond to the judges' comments with candor, she got my vote last night.

As for the producers of American Idol, I don't expect them to hand me the credit for steering them away from another week of blundering insult. They are, however, encouraged to continue to read my blog for input on how to improve their show and should feel free to contact me if they need any further assistance. Here's a start: No matter what the theme is, doing it two weeks in a row is ill-advised. If you didn't learn that from last night's less-than-impressive performances, I'm telling you now. Don't do it again.

1 comment:

RB said...

That's right... its redundant and makes everyone match last week against the current week... even more than usual.