Saturday, January 31, 2009

moderate success

I delivered on my promise to try to get some surreptitious class pictures of my Dana Carvey dop professor. The pictures are not great because it was very difficult to find a moment when he wasn't looking--the class has grown from 10 people to 20 but that's still not very large.

At first I was a little nervous about not only him seeing me, but the two girls sitting next to me. At one point one of them whispered, "What are you doing?" Not being able to quickly think of a more reasonable answer for what I was doing, I decided to go with the truth and replied, "I think he looks like Dana Carvey and I want to show people." She quietly laughed and agreed with me.

I wish that I had been able to capture him making a particular face with raised eyebrows and shrugged shoulders that I really feel exhibits the most Dana Carveyness, but I had to work with what I could. Hopefully the endorsement of my fellow Research Methods classmate and these photos are good enough.

dana 2

dana carvey?

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